Watering Places in Sicily

Made with Python

In an era characterized by increasingly pressing environmental challenges, our Web App, built with Flask, represents a small yet significant step towards sustainability and the preservation of Sicily's cultural heritage.

The Importance of Sicilian Waterig Places

Once essential for the island's agriculture and livestock, many of Sicily's watering places have now been forgotten or abandoned.

However, as drought conditions worsen across the region, the restoration of these structures could play a crucial role.

Not only could they provide direct water support for animals and crops, but they could also contribute to the sustainable management of water resources, reducing the strain on modern water sources, which are already under significant pressure.

The Web App

Our Web App provides a detailed mapping of the watering places scattered across the Sicilian territory. Currently, the map displays the status of these watering places, indicating which are still active and which require restoration efforts.

Future Developments

The next step in myroadmap is to introduce a feature that will allow users to report which watering places could be restored and enhanced. This would not only preserve these historic structures but also integrate them into a sustainable water management network, which is crucial for addressing future climate challenges.

Technologies Used

The development of this Web App was made possible through the use of modern technologies such as:

Flask: for building the web server.
Python: for backend logic and data integration.
Interactive Maps: for geospatial visualization of the watering places.

© Copyright Angelo Franciamore